Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Stamp Collecting Round-Up

stamp_collecting_round-up I wanted to alert the Ethnicitee Community to a really cool and informative site regarding the stamp world. Don Schilling is the blogmaster who is a philatelic phanatic. His blog is a wonderful source for anyone interested in learning more about these snapshots of humanity.

Something that really caught my attention was an article on the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History. I came upon a quote from Cardinal Spellman which really resonated with me as it eloquently describes the beauty and meaning of Stamps;
"Stamps are miniature documents of human history. They are the means by which a country gives sensible expression to its hopes and needs; its beliefs and ideals. They mirror the past and presage the future. They delineate cultural attainments, industrial works, domestic, civil and social life. In a word, these vignettes give a vivid picture of the world, its occupants and their multifarious endeavors."
Francis Cardinal Spellman, c. 1950

Give Don a visit and tell him we said hello and thank you for such a terrific entry about Ethnicitee.

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